<aside> 💡 Documenting design là 1 bước quan trọng trong quá trình design trải nghiệm hay sản phẩm, điều này giúp bạn dễ dàng chia sẻ công việc với mọi người, hệ thống hóa cũng như xây dựng case study cho chính bạn sau này.

Đây là 1 bước ko thể thiếu trong Design Operations


When designing, to look at a system from two perspectives: the structural perspective and the task perspective. As designers, the task perspective naturally demands our attention because, in the end, we are designing for people to accomplish tasks. But the structural perspective is equally important and is critical for keeping experiences simple and consistent across the range of tasks.

Task perspective documentation includes:

Structural perspective documentation includes:

The above list could seem like an overwhelming amount of documentation but think of it as a toolkit — not every project requires every tool. The descriptions below should give you an idea of how these artifacts might fit into a given project.

Task Perspective Documentation

Task Perspective Documentation