Hi there! We are looking forward to have you at UXVN 2024

Below is our theme and topic that we want to curate for this year event. Please have a look, if you are interested in speaker with us, please fill in the form ⬇, we will be in touch with you asap.

The theme

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The UXVN 2024 will still inherit the mission of the UX Vietnam Community: Inspire the freshers, connect the leaders, and transform everyone to the next level:


⇒ Three questions serve as the guiding principles for preparing the content for the event:

Hot topic discussed

Suggested Topics

Problems Key Issues Who are you
1. UX/Design is often undervalued in Vietnamese companies
→ Most painful - Proving the ROI of UX and Design.

Product management experience is a good addition to provide insights from a Product perspective (PM/PO/…) | | 3. There is a gap between industry expectations and the community's understanding of the essential skills required for different UX roles. | - Understanding which skills are critical for specific roles

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